Okay, here we go.
Yeah. I think we`re ready.
- Weebo?
- Yes?
What do you say
we take her for a ride?
- Fly me to the moon!
- That`s it. That`s the spirit.
We`ll fly over to Sara`s house,
park this baby on the roof,
and then maybe she`s
gonna change her tune.
You know, maybe you should
just go without me.
- Why?
- Because I get carsick.
- Oh, come on.
You`re not gonna blow chips.
- No?
- You don`t have a stomach.
- I have a queasy gyro.
Now get over it. This is not
about cars. This is about Sara.
- Now get in here.
- No!
- Now.
- All right.
Oh! We`re fine now.
- Ah! Out into the world.
- Okay, here we go.
Look at this! Let`s see
what this baby will do!
Oh! It works!
- Yes, it does.
- I`m psyched!
Oh, boy.
- You know what this means, Weebo?
- What?
I`ll never have
to buy tyres again.
Ah. Let`s see what`s
on the radio, Weebo.
Ho! Latin!
Bam ba-bum, ba-bum, ba-bum
Bum ba-bum ba-bum
Bum-bum be-bum bum
Right turn.
Whoa! Yes!
Huh? Huh? Oh!
Ah! We`re fine.
Whoa! Oh.
- It`s all right. I saw it.
- I don`t think so.
Weebo, there is
nothing to worry about.
Oh-- Mayday!
Come on. Easy.