Oh! Sorry.
First-time flyer. Shh!
I`m very sorry!
Hang on, Weebo!
Oh! Ha, ha, ha! Oh!
Whoa! Oh! Oh, Weebo!
Oh, now, we`re cookin`!
Oh! Yes!
Oh, Weebo. Come on up.
Please. You`ve gotta see this.
Wow! ls this
what you call heaven?
Almost. Look at it.
The whole world below
and beyond.
- It`s beautiful.
- The solitude up here.
The stillness.
- The silence.
- Uh-oh.
Silly me turned it off.
Turns right back on.
The shutter`s jammed probably,
Weebo. We`re okay.
Start right up.
Oh, please turn over!
For the love of Newton,
turn over!
Abandon ship!