- Yes, l`m positive.
- Excellent.
And how long does it take
the paint to wear off?
- Uh, 30 minutes.
- Be a little suspicious...
if the flubber started
working immediately.
- Uh, isn`t this cheating?
- No, it`s not cheating.
It`s equalizing.
You`ve seen the team. They
should have their own telethon.
Come on! We`ve got
to win this game.
I`ve gotta do it to prove to
Sara that flubber really works.
I`m gonna do it right under
Wilson Croft`s nose.
Don`t fail me.
- Weebo.
- Yes?
- While l`m out, you`re in charge, okay?
- Okay.
- No phone calls to Russia again.
- I think that was Weber.
Oh! Make sure the flubber
stays in the tank.
- Got it.
- Under no circumstances
are you to release it.
- Of course.
- Because you know what would happen.
- Ho, ho, ho.
- Do you understand?
- Yes, sir, I understand.
- Promise?
- Have no fear.
That`s my girl.
Go Medfield!
Good evening, everybody,
and welcome to Rutland Arena...
for the 86th meeting of the Rutland
Rangers and the Medfield Squirrels.
Rutland, if they can just
stay awake, should be able...
to steamroll the Squirrels
here tonight at the--
All right, Squirrels,
Iisten up here now.
Okay, Rutland may have us
in height and reach,
weight and power,
agility, speed and talent.
They have the advantage
on offence...
and defence.
Sure, they`re-they`re
better coached,
better trained,
and their will to win is
unmatched in the conference.
They`re undefeated
in their last...
one hundred and eight games.
But that doesn`t mean we can`t
whip these guys. Right?