What kind of car does
that Brainard fellow drive?
Old T-Bird. Why?
- I just saw it.
- So?
It was flying.
You heard me. Flying.
- Hey, who won?
- We did.
Um, Professor,
why the long face?
- I think you know why.
- Would it be a Sara issue?
Wish I understood human beings.
Wish I understood women.
Wish I understood emotions and passions.
I wish I understood any of that.
If I did, I wouldn`t have had to spend
my entire life in a laboratory...
trying to figure out
how the world works.
I would`ve been out in the world
trying to figure out why it works.
I know I love her, Weebo.
Every neuron in my limbic system
is saturated with phenylethylamine.
That triggers euphoria,
elation, exhilaration.
Truth is, Weebo,
I`m not absent-minded because
l`m selfish or crazy or--
or inconsiderate.
I`m absent-minded because l`m
in love with Sara.
Oh, Professor.
That doesn`t matter any more,
`cause I don`t get
any more chances with her.
That`s not true. There`s always another
chance. I mean, you never know, right?
Probably just as well
that it`s over.
- Why?
- She has to move on.