Do not move.
Okay, everybody.
We do this on three. Ready?
-What're you doing?
I'm coming!
Lucy, you've got
some 'splaining to do!
Oh, my God.
What did you do to him?
He fell into some cactus.
A lot of cactus.
We gave him tequila.
-The desert made a big impression.
-I told you to make it special!
Not to kill him!
Get out! Get the hell out of here!
You too! Come on!
Whatever you do,
don't turn over.
I'll get the tweezers.
I'm confused.
If babies only see in black
and white, then why...
-... is Barney purple?
-Dinosaurs come later, tontito.
Wait, don't sit there.
-I'm doing the floors.
I read about this.
This is the nesting period, isn't it?
It must be, because I can't get
this place clean enough.