- I think I found something.
- Get out of there.
- They won't be here much longer.
- You gotta buy me more time.
What do you expect me to do?
- Ask them to dance or something.
- They're not my type.
- Wish me luck.
- Good luck.
- What if they catch him?
- Who?
Your father? He would never get caught.
- Would he have to go to jail?
- No. Is that what you're worried about?
- He would never have to go to jail.
- Then what would happen?
They'd take away his boat.
Maybe make him pay a fine.
Yeah, I promise.
You know your father loves you
very much, don't you?
He does what he does for us. To make
us happy, put a roof over our heads.
- Yeah, but don't you ever wish...?
- No, I don't.
Don't you ever wish he would stop?
Don't you ever wish
he would do something else?
I love you, Max.
You could tell him.
He'd listen to you.
I believe in your dad.
I support him, for better or worse.
Good night, Max.
Kron says he's got everything
wired up, ready to go, so...
Cancel our order. Let's go.