G.I. Jane

Too many balls
on the table.

Distracting, isn't it? That one
pink ball right in the middle.

- Who's got a cigar?
- Didn't know you smoked, sir.

I don't. I just want to chew
the hell out of it.

Uh, "The woman, identity unknown,
is believed to be...

"the first female candidate for
the elite Navy SEALS training program.

Her presence could signal a shift
in the military's-"

These were supposed to have been
discreet test cases.

That was
the agreement.

Suppose this lady's getting friendly
with the press?

It's DeHaven. Had to be. She is gonna
milk this cow on all four tits.

In the last two hours my office
has received 14 requests for interviews.

No interviews.
That's the last thing we need.

Where is she in the training,
this woman?

We'll have that information
for you before the night's out.

It's my understanding that she just
finished the P.T. phase of her training.

She made it
through hell week.

Won't last one week,

So, have you been monitoring
this situation for us, Commander?

No, sir. I just made
some unofficial inquiries.

Well, make it official.
I want a brief back in my office
once a week.

G.I. Jane. Why don't they just get it
over with and call her Joan of Arc?

Your shot, Gary.
Pardon me, sir. Phone call
from Senator DeHaven.

Captain Salem here.
Are you in the habit of lettin'
photographers traipse around your base,

snapping their fill?
These are supposed to be
discreet test cases.

Senator, they stand out on a
public highway using telephoto lenses.

There is nothin'
I can do about it,
