
They don't say that any more.
l don't know
why my mother trusted God -

- rather than her local geneticist.
Ten fingers, ten toes, that's all
that used to matter ... Not now.

Only seconds old, the exact time
and cause of my death was known.

Neurological condition, 60°%,
manic depression, 42°% probability.

Attention deficit disorder,
89°% probability. Heart disorder . . .

. . . 99°% probability.
Early fatal potential.

- Life expectancy: 30.2 years.
- 30 years?

- The name for the certificate?
- Vincent Anton.

That"s a good name.
l know he"ll do something.
You"ll do something.

l quickly thought of myself
as others did. Chronically ill.

Every skinned knee and runny nose
was treated as a fatal threat.

The insurance won"t cover it. lf he
fell . . . There"s nothing l can do.

Like most other parents then,
they wanted their next child -

- to be conceived in what
has become the natural way.

Your extracted eggs, Marie, -
- have been fertilized
with Antonio"s sperm.

We have screened two healthy boys
and two very healthy girls.
