That"s an old edition,
but l know it all by heart.
- The commitment is binding.
- You have somebody in mind?
For the genetic elite, success
is attainable, but not guaranteed.
There is no gene for fate.
And when a member of the elite
falls on hard times -
- their genetic identity
becomes a valued commodity.
One man's loss is another's gain.
He"s got impeccable credentials.
An unbelievable expiration date.
He"ll practically live forever.
His lQ is off the register.
Better than 20/20 vision. Strong
heart. He could run through a wall.
lf he could still run.
He was a big-time swimming star.
You could go anywhere with this
guy"s DNA tucked under your arm.
- You look so right together.
- We don"t look anything alike.
Nobody looks at photos today.
Christ, you could have my face.
- How do l explain the accident?
- lt happened out of the country.