No one knows he broke his back. He"s
still a fully productive citizen.
- Just fill in his last year.
- You"re a foreigner.
They don"t care where you were born.
Blood has no nationality.
As long as it"s got what they want,
it"s the only passport you"ll need.
- Who lives up there?
- Well, l certainly don"t.
The process of becoming him began.
Myopia is one of the most obvious
signs of a disadvantaged birth.
- lsn"t there another way?
- Surgery will leave scars.
lt"s contact lenses or a white cane.
- Besides, the colour doesn"t match.
- He"s right.
My eyes are prettier.
l take 25°% of all you make.
lf it fails, all this equipment
must be returned in seven days.
- And you lose your deposit.
- Wait! You said 20°%.
- 20°%.
- lt"s not negotiable.
- l guess that"s it.
- No. There"s still the height.
How tall were you
before the accident?
- His profile says he"s 6" 1 "".
- l can wear lifts.
Even with lifts
you"re not that tall.
So what?
No . . .