l think we can rule out suicide.
Thank you.
This will take a while.
We may have to push things back.
lrene, l want you
to assist the investigators.
- That would put me behind.
- l appreciate your sacrifice.
- l won"t lose my place in line?
- Your place is assured.
So kindly inform the authorities
we will cooperate in any way, -
- although we can"t tolerate
a major disruption.
- Thank you, lrene.
- Thank you, Director.
- How will this affect the mission?
- We"ll go ahead as planned.
The launch can only be this week.
Tragic though this event may be, it
hasn"t stopped the planets turning.
- What happened?
- l"m going up.
- End of the week.
- That soon?
- What about the mission director?
- He"s dead.
Are you serious?
They found him beaten so badly
they had to check his name tag.
You are serious.