- Fuckin', let's go, man.
- Step on his fuckin' head.
Get his ass on the ground.
Stop that motherfucker.
Motherfucker, die!
- Carter!
- Come on!
- [ Groaning ]
[ Chuckie ]
Will! Will, come on!
Will, come on.
Let's go. Let's go.
Easy, brother, easy.
- [ Chuckie ] Hey, fellas,
thanks for comin' out.
- Come here!
Whoa! Whoa!
[ Groans ]
[ Dispatcher On Walkie-talkie,
Indistinct ]
Ah. Fuck.
[ Students Chattering ]
Is it just my imagination,
or has my class grown considerably?
Well, by no stretch
of my imagination...
do I believe you've all come here
to hear me lecture.
Rather, to ascertain the identity
of the mystery math magician.
So without further adieu, come forward,
silent rogue, and receive thy prize.
Well, I'm sorry to disappoint
my spectators, but...
it seems there will be
no unmasking here today.
However, uh, my colleagues and l
have conferred,
and there is a problem
on the board right now...
that took us
more than two years to prove.
So let this be said:
The gauntlet has been thrown down,
but the faculty have answered
and answered with vigor.
[ Car Alarm Screeches ]