Do you find it hard to hide
the fact that you're gay?
[ Stammering ]
What are you talking about? What?
Look, buddy, two seconds ago,
you were ready to give me a jump.
A jump? Are you--
[ Laughing ]
I'm terribly sorry
to disappoint you.
Hey, I don't have a problem with it.
I don't care if you putt from the rough.
What are you-- P-- Putting
from the rough? What on earth
are you talking about?
A difficult theorem
could be like a symphony.
It's very erotic.
[ Therapist ] You go somewhere else.
I can't handle this.
- Wow.
- [ Will ] Thank you, Henry.
- [ Grunting ] Ah, Henry.
- Hi, Gerry.
You know something?
I can't do this pro bono work anymore.
- It's just not-- It's not worth it.
- What happened?
Well, I'm going on national
television next week.
I mean, I haven't got time
to tell you, much less talk to
that raving looney in there.
An absolute lunatic,
he is.
[ Lambeau ]
[ Man ] Okay,
you are in your bed, Will.
Now, how old are you?
What do you see?
Something's in my room.
What is it?
It's like a-- It's a figure.
It's hoverin' over me.
You are in a safe place,
It's t-- [ Sighs ]
It's touchin' me.
Where is it touching you?
It's touching me
down there,
and I'm nervous.
You don't have to be
nervous, Will.
We start dancin' and dancin'.
It's just beautiful,
'cause we can make...
a lot of love
before the sun goes down.
% Skyrockets
in flight %
% Afternoon delight %
- % Hey, hey, hey, afternoon delight %
- Jesus.
% Skyrockets in flight
Da-da-da-da %