It's an amazing honor.
Okay, everybody, that's it for today.
Thanks. We'll see you Monday.
We'll be talking about Freud.
Why he did enough cocaine
to kill a small horse. Thank you.
- How are you?
- It's good to see you.
Good to see you.
- Sean, I think I got something
interesting for ya.
- Yeah?
What, you have to have
blood and urine? What's up?
Why didn't you come
to the reunion?
You know, I'm--
I've been busy.
- You were missed.
- Really?
- So how long has it been
since we've seen each other?
- Before Nancy died.
Yeah, I'm sorry.
I was in Paris.
It was that damn conference.
I got your card.
It was nice.
[ Grunting ]
- Come here.
- Now that's a takedown.
Hey, what happened?
Did you get leniency or what?
I got, uh, probation
and then counseling two days a week.
Joke. You're a smoothie.
Come on, Morgan! Just submit!
- [ Groaning ]
- [ Chuckling ]
Hey, Bill, just-just get off him.
We're gonna miss the game.
- I've got a full schedule.
I'm very busy.
- Sean, Sean.
This-This boy is incredible.
I've never seen anything like him.
What makes him
so incredible, Gerry?
- You ever heard of Ramanujan?
- Yeah, yeah. No.
It's a man. He lived
over 100 years ago. He was Indian.
- Dots, not feathers.
- Not feathers. Yeah.
He lived in this tiny hut
somewhere in India.
He had no formal education.
- He had no access
to any scientific work.
- Coffee?
- You, sir?
- Just a little.
But he came across
this old math book,
and from the simple text,
he was able to extrapolate theories...
that had baffled
mathematicians for years.
Yes. Continued fractions.
He wrote, uh--
- Well, he mailed it
to Hardy at Cambridge.
- Yeah, Cambridge. Yeah.
- And Hardy immediately recognized
the brilliance of his work...
- Mm-hmm.
and brought him over to England,
and then they worked together for years,
creating some of the most
exciting math theory ever done.
This-This Ramanujan--