The sky's fallin' on your head.
The waves are crashin'
over your little boat.
The oars are about to snap.
[ Sniffling ]
You just piss in your pants.
You're cryin' for the harbor.
So maybe you do
what you gotta do to get out.
You know, maybe you became
a psychologist.
Bingo. That's it. Let me do my job now.
You start with me. Come on.
- Maybe you married the wrong woman.
- Maybe you should watch your mouth!
Watch it right there, chief,
all right?
That's it, isn't it?
You married
the wrong woman.
What happened?
What, did she leave you?
Was she, you know-- [ Whistling ]
banging some other guy?
If you ever disrespect my wife again,
I will end you.
I will fuckin' end you.
Got that, chief?
Time's up.
At ease, gentlemen.
You okay?
Look, I'll understand if you don't
wanna meet with him again.
Thursday, 4:00.
Make sure the kid's here.