And you wouldn't know about sleepin'
sittin' up in a hospital room...
for two months,
holding her hand,
because the doctors
could see in your eyes...
that the terms "visiting hours"
don't apply to you.
You don't know about real loss,
'cause that only occurs when you love
something more than you love yourself.
I doubt you've ever dared
to love anybody that much.
I look at you. I don't see
an intelligent, confident man.
I see a cocky,
scared shitless kid.
But you're a genius, Will.
No one denies that.
No one could possibly understand
the depths of you.
But you presume to know everything about
me because you saw a painting of mine.
You ripped
my fuckin' life apart.
You're an orphan, right?
Do you think I'd know the first thing
about how hard your life has been--
how you feel, who you are--
because I read Oliver Twist?
Does that encapsulate you?
Personally, I don't give a shit
about all that, because--
You know what? I can't
learn anything from you...
I can't read
in some fuckin' book.
Unless you wanna talk
about you,
who you are.
And I'm fascinated.
I'm in.
But you don't wanna do that,
do you, sport?
You're terrified
of what you might say.
Your move, chief.