
Know what l'm doing tomorrow?
Going to an insane asylum.
lnsane asylum?
Gonna get me a raving beauty.
Foot Foot, where you been?
You smell like a dookie, girl.
Talk to him in school?
l don't know. Some hall.
He smiled.
Don't be such a puss.
l try not to. l'm shy.
Foot Foot, you stink a bitch.
Where'd you find her?

On the porch sleeping
for three hours.

How'd she get out there?
-You left the window cracked.

-You did.
-lt was not me.

You know
it's always Darby's fault.

She's looking
a little impregnated.

-She is.

Let's flip her over
and look at her bottom part.

Let me look at you, Foot Foot.
ls it red?
lt's not any red, no.
-ls it swollen?

An impregnated cat is a bitch.
Like, this cat's pregnant.

Yeah. Tsk. lt's true.
-No, she's not a bitch.
-She is, too.

She's gotten herself
in trouble like this.

-She still has nine nips.
-Nine nips?

Nine lives, too.
lf she is pregnant, we'll drown
the kittens in the creek.

You see? Do it like this.
Get it over all the pink--
around it.

Do it on it real tight.
That tight,
it will get infected.

Don't tell me.
This is the right way.

lf you just do little pats,
it won't raise it.

The whole point is to make it
fatter and pop it out bigger.

-That's tight.

-This gonna hurt?
-lt's not gonna hurt.
