because he was my dad.
You guys didn't get very many
this time.
Yeah. lt's a scarce count.
Let's see.
Twelve, twelve and a half.
l'll give you thirteen.
lt's gettin' crazy, 'cause
things are startin' to thin out.
You know you guys
got some competition out there?
-What? Who?
-Jarrod Wiggley.
You know the kid
that lives over by the school?
The one who takes care
of his grandmother?
l know that kid. He used to have
a sister in my class...
but she moved.
Her name was June Wiggley.
We used to call her June bug.
And l noticed something else.
The cats that's usually
out by the garbage cans...
they're not around anymore.
And the Chinese restaurant--
you know the one
that buys all my stuff?
The guy that owns it
had a heart attack and died...
so l guess they're getting ready
to go out of business.
l'm pretty smart,
if l say so myself.
Why is that?
This afternoon,
we walked into a fruit store...
and the clerk thought
l was some out-of-town hick.
''Those apples will be
two bucks each,'' he tells me.
That's where l outsmarted him.
l hand over a five...
And as he's about to give me
a dollar change, l say...
''Keep it. We're even.
''On the way in,
l stepped on a grape.''
You want this
by the cat or by the pound?
Don't matter.
l'll give you
a dollar a pound, then.
Hey, uh...
could you hook me up
with some glue?
What kind you want?
Not wood glue.
Not cement glue, either.
Do you have butcher's
model glue, in tins?
Yeah. l'm gonna go get it, man.
Who was it?
Who killed that little baby cat?
-Was it?
Yeah. lt was ate up
with maggots, though.
They had to kill it.
They're just strays.
All these cats around here
have twenty babies.
Little bitty old black cat.
He wasn't about this long.