He even has boobs.
Pretty much.
Was he pretty?
l don't know. l guess so.
l guess he was pretty.
Pretty enough
to have a boyfriend.
will frickin' catch your ass.
Fuck the cops!
l know, man.
Cops can kiss my ass.
All they are is assholes.
l know, man.
What's the matter with them?
They mad 'cause
we get more pussy than they do?
Damn you, rabbit!
You smell like fuckin' piss!
You can kiss my ass!
l hate the goddamned rabbit.
Fuckin' rabbit!
Kill his ass!
l don't like rabbits
comin' to my fuckin' house.
l kill them.
l got 'im.
-No, you didn't!
-Yes, l did!
He looks like a queer rabbit!
All queer!
That fag! He can kiss my ass!
Rabbits are queers!
They always got to shit
on themselves!
Ah, those little queer-ass
Hey, look at these little fag
bunny ears.
Fuckin' rabbit.
l'm sick and tired of it.
-This shitty-ass rabbit stinks!
-l know.
He smells like pussy!
He smells like an asshole!
Hey, motherfucker!
Smells like wetback dick!
They smell like
a pound of bullshit!