Now they're lesbians.
Disgusting--two women
biting at each other...
if you get my drift.
l think that--that's nasty.
Man, l get the chills.
l'm a party boy.
Not only that...
you'll be--be pickin' up
women in your pickup, man.
Yeah. My pickup, man. Yeah.
That's the way l am.
Turn fifteen, l'm partyin'.
Without wood,
there'd be no America.
No ships to bring the pilgrims
across the ocean.
No log cabins,
no schoolhouses...
no churches,
no covered wagons...
no railroad ties...
no cigar store indians...
no nothin'.
Solomon, are you down there?
What are you doing
lifting weights?
-l'm lifting.
-You'll stunt your growth.
You're gonna get
peg leg shoulders...
and pinched neck nerves.
lt's not good to lift
while you're growing.