
Will you smile?
Come on, l want a smile.
Tuck in that tummy.
One smile. Come on.
l'm gonna tickle you
till you smile.

Flatten that tummy.
Hold your shoulders in.
Do you miss your dad? l do.
Come on, hold that tummy in.
Come on,
can you smile for me, please?

OK, you son of a bitch...
if you don't smile,
l'm gonna kill you, OK?

l've killed before,
and l will kill again.

l will pick up your brains
all over the floor.

You came out of my womb...
and l'll stick you
right back in my womb.

lf you don't smile,
l'm going to kill you.

Yeah, party.
Break dance.
l have a good personality.
l have blond hair, blue eyes.
l'm a hundred
and thirty-five pounds...

and l'm 4' 10 1/2.
l have very light skin.
l am considered
what you would call an albino.

l like men
that are very sensitive...

that will sit down and watch
a good movie with me...

won't hit on me...
will love me for me.
l like men that either have
blond hair, blue eyes...

