The doctor said they're
gonna have to take off...
one of my boobies...
and l know what happens
when they do that.
Boys'll stop looking at me...
and once,
when l finally meet a guy...
that likes me,
and he sees my scar...
he'll just stop talking to me
for no reason.
Boys are like that.
Dear world...
l have confusion around me in
every direction from my brain.
l've tried and tried to make it
here in this fucking world...
but l think it was a mistake
that l was ever born.
l do not feel guilty
about taking my own life.
l've tried your ways.
l've had a job
since l was thirteen years old.
Making a living
was never a real problem for me.
The problem was all l see
is misery and darkness.
Die, die, die.
l'll put a gun
to my fucking head right now.
l'm so pissed l could kill you,
but l'm not going to.
Life is beautiful.
Really it is.
Full of beauty and illusions.
Life is great.
Without it, you'd be dead.
l think one of the reasons
she didn't struggle so much...
is l said,
''You're a black witch.
''We're giving you
the greatest honor...
''to sit at the right hand
of Arioch in hell.''