Hard Eight

- Why don't you use these matches?
- It's just a rule with me.

I don't use matches.
Why not?
I had a really bad experience once
and I promised I'd never use 'em again.

Tell me.
You know those big monster
books of matches?

Those big daddy ones
with, like, 40 matches in 'em?

I had one of those in my pocket once
and they lit on fire, exploded.

Matches just went off?

Yeah, it had something to do
with spontaneous friction, I guess.

They just went off.
I'm standing in line for a movie
and all of the sudden--

Like that!
Scared the shit out of me.

I had a third-degree burn on my leg
this close to my dick.

That was a brand-new
pair of jeans too.

I thought about suing
that matchbook company too.

What are you gonna do,
you know?

Things happen.
This happens, that happens.

Shit just happens.
You deal with it.

John, I'm gonna loan you 50 bucks...
so why don't you tell me
what you're gonna do with it.

You asked me before--
You could take it
and play it a certain way...

long enough and hard enough
to get a bed and a meal.

You're not gonna win $6,000,

I can assure you of that.
Well, if you show me
how to do that--

how to get a meal and a bed--
then I'll do that.

If you wanna show me.
First thing, go in the bathroom
and clean yourself up.

- The attendant has a razor you can use.
- Yeah, but I'm growing a beard.

Once you're done,
find me in the bar.
