like you're his captain.
John is a very old friend.
Good luck, sir.
- Thank you.
- Thank you.
Well, you're
a good tipper, Captain.
Tell me something.
Are you required to flirt...
to behave as you do
toward those men over there...
as some part of your job?
They don't say to do it.
But if you don't?
Well, then I get questioned.
Like, "Why were you so rude
to them?"
I mean, I can't talk back.
I can't tell 'em
to fuck off and leave me alone.
As a rule.
I'd also lose the tip.
Sounds like
an occupational hazard.
You don't have to do that
with me.
Jimmy paid for your drink.
Thank you.
Thank you, Captain.
- Hey, thanks.
- You want another?
- Whatever Syd's having.
- Hi.
Syd, you remember Jimmy.
He's a friend who lives up here.
- Thanks for the drink.
- My pleasure.
Have a seat.
Jimmy works at the Sand Dunes.
Oh, yeah. I remember.
What do you do?