Here's a robe
and some stuff for you.
Do you wanna fuck me?
Do you think that?
Well, you brought me here.
Do you think that?
I don't know.
You should know before you ask
a question like that.
Well, you're being nice to me--
- So you'd think I'd want that?
- If you wanted to fuck me--
Stop saying that.
- It just seemed like--
- Well, don't let it seem that way.
This is a comfortable bed
for you.
I want you to sleep on it...
to give you something to--
a place to have a nice shower
and a bed.
Don't get angry.
No, I'm not...
because I understand...
how you could ask
a question like that.
Now you really look at me
as a piece of shit.
All right.
John won't be back
until very late.