There's there...
"There are the doughnuts."
Then there's their.
Which is the possessive.
"It is their doughnut."
Then, finally...
there's they're.
T-H-E-Y, apostrophe, R-E.
A contraction.
Meaning they're.
"They're the doughnut people."
Got it?
If you're gonna read Wordsworth, you
better get a more updated edition.
This odoripherous tome you're so
attached to doesn't have a prologue.
And you need
notes, commentary.
I'll go to the library and I'll get
you the best edition they have.
Thank you, but that's okay. I'll
stop there on my way back from work.
From work?
You can't go to work.
Oh, yeah. Maybe not today.
But tomorrow, probably.
-My job?
You need time to write, Simon.
To study, to reflect.
But I like my job.
A vocation like ours, Simon,
is not a 9 to 5 thing.
You can't put a fence
around a man's soul.
We think and feel when
and where we think and feel.
We are the servants of our muse,
and we toil where she commands.
Can I read your confession?