prosperity and security.
He's a good man.
I know a man.
His name is Angus James, and he is a
big shot in the publishing business.
Smart, adventurous,
tons of integrity.
When the time is right, I'll
recommend he read your poem.
He'll respect my opinion.
That man was here again
today looking for you.
A man? What man?
You know. That guy.
Why do they torment me like this?
-They're like a bunch of mosquitoes.
-What do they want from you?
They want to suffocate me, Simon.
To extinguish me like a flame.
-They're afraid. That's why.
They're afraid of what I might do.
What I might say, think!
They're afraid of my ideas. You
and I are alike in this way, Simon.
We are?
We are outsiders.
We think and feel too much and...
too deeply.
And the world can't handle that.
Our mere existence is a threat
to its illusion of security.
Sure, they'll name awing of
a library after us when we're dead.
But now where we are alive,
they want to burn us at the stake.
Look, Simon...
I made love to your mother
about half an hour ago...
and now I'm beginning to think that
maybe it wasn't such a good idea.