In flagrante delictum screwing
a 13 year old girl named Susan.
She was an ugly
and mean-spirited kid.
But she knew how to play
upon my weaknesses...
which, I admit...
are deep and many.
You appear shocked.
It was a pathetic little conspiracy.
A transparently desperate attempt...
to discredit me and my ideas.
To label me a mere pedophile. As if
I'd be ashamed of such a thing.
As if Socrates himself hadn't
been taken out of circulation...
for corrupting
the youth of Athens.
Seven years.
Seven years for one afternoon
of blissful transgression.
But, what of it?
Who cares?
Prison is not so bad.
Particularly if one's free from the
conventional horror of sodomy.
They were not lost years.
I put them to good use.
I began my major
work, my Opus!
Believe me, Simon.
This incident with the girl...
pales to insignificance in the
wider context of my career.
Nothing in comparison to the day
my confession is unleashed.