We are told not to judge.
But to forgive.
Not to look into our neighbor's eyes
and find the bad. But the good.
This is difficult, I admit.
But having a good friend
isn't always easy.
Yes, I see.
I mean...
do you ever think that...
that Henry is...
He needs help.
Our help.
Yours, especially.
The best parts of himself surface
when he's helping others learn.
Let yourself be taught. Show
your appreciation for his guidance.
In this way, perhaps...
there's hope for everyone.
Even Henry.
The greats all say
the same thing.
Little. And, what little
there is to be said, is immense.
In other words, follow your
own genius, to where it leads...
without regard for the apparent
needs of the world at large...
which has no needs of such,
but just moments of exhaustion...
in which it is
incapable of prejudice.
We can only hope to collide with
moments of unselfconsciousness...
...this divine fatigue, this...
-Push over!
As I tried to
make right in Paris: