That's what the Board of Education
called Simon's poem yesterday.
-Yeah. I'm listening.
I'm Edna Rodriguez and I write for
the "Queens County Examiner."
I was just wondering if I can
have a word with Simon Grim?
You can't talk too long with him,
because he writes all day.
That's all he does. Can you believe
that? Simon, get down here!
Simon, Edna.
She's from the newspaper.
The parent's association is
calling your poem pornography.
The teachers are defending
the students' rights to exercise...
critical taste and sensibility. The
county agrees with the church and...
considers the poem emblematic of
modern society's moral...
disintegration. How do you feel
about these reactions to your poem?
Simon, answer the woman.
-I need my prescription pills.
-Mom, Edna. Edna, mom.
Mrs. Grim, what was Simon
like as a child?
-We all thought he was retarded.
-Everyone did.
-Never said a word.
-Masturbated constantly.
-Had no friends.
-Till he met Henry.
"Dear Mr. Grim:
we here at the magazine consider
ourselves open-minded...
and consistently print the work
of the most brilliant young talent.
Every week we are forced to return
writing which we cannot publish...
and include a brief
but polite refusal.
But this tract you sent us demands
a response as violent...
as the effect your words
have had upon us.
Drop dead.
Keep your day job.
Sincerely, the editors."