He's not interested, all right?
Come on, kid.
The end is coming!
Can't you feel it?
Yes. Thank you for the info.
We'll ponder that for awhile.
Just stare at the sidewalk.
Come on. Don't make eye contact.
People here are nuts.
That's because they live
in a city of turmoil.
Trust me, kid. You're gonna be
just what the doctor ordered.
It was tragic! We lost
everything in the fire.
Everything... except
old Snowball here.
Now, were the fires before
or after the earthquake?
They were after the earthquake.
I remember.
But before the flood.
Don't even get me started
on the crime rate.
Thebes has certainly
gone downhill
- in a hurry.
- Tell me about it.
It seems like every time
I turn around...
there's some new monster
wreaking havoc and l...
All we need now is
a plague of locusts.
That's it! I'm movin' to Sparta!
Excuse me.
seems to me that what
you folks need is a hero.
Yeah, and who are you?
I'm Hercules, and...
I happen to be a hero.
Is that so?
Some hero!
Have you ever saved
a town before?
No, not exactly, but l...
Have you ever reversed
a natural disaster?
Well, no.
Listen to this. He's just
another chariot chaser.
- This we need.
- That's a laugh.
Don't you pea brains get it?
This kid is the genuine article.
Isn't that the goat-man
who trained Achilles?
Watch it, pal.
Yeah, you're right.
Hey, nice job on those heels!
Ya missed a spot!
I got your heel right here!
I'll wipe that stupid grin off
your face! You...
Hey, Phil! Take it easy.
What are you, crazy?
Young man, we need
a professional hero...