Home Alone 3

She said if anything comes up,
she'll be right over.

- She wasn't happy about it...
- She'll come over and make me smoke.

- Don't be ridiculous.
- What if there's a tornado?

Not in winter.
- Social unrest?
- I don't think so.

Boredom? It's deadly in old folks.
Goodbye, sweetie.
What about crooks?
That's not a problem during the day.
Why not?
No one's home during the day.

I'm 8 and I figured that out.
Couldn't a grown-up crook
figure it out too?

This is a very safe neighborhood.
There's only one road in and out.

The doors'll be locked,
you have my numbers.

- I'll be home soon.
- But, Mom!

What about dragons, giant spiders,
mummies, the living dead...

...and other figments
of my imagination?

Alex, I can't help you there.
Only you can control your imagination.
That's a scary thought.
