Big balls. No brains.
- l don't feel comfortable here.
- Relax.
The mayor won't be happy to know his
special prosecutor's having a meeting
in Mr Luciano's milieu.
Why don't you ask him?
He's on the second floor right now.
This month's contributions.
- We have a problem.
- The valise is not big enough?
l'm talking about Arthur Flegenheimer.
You know why Arthur chose the name
Dutch Schultz? He wants respect.
Who's gonna respect a man
by the name of Arthur Flegenheimer?
''All right, boys. Stick 'em up!
My name is Arthur Flegenheimer.''
- lt won't work, Mr Dewey.
- He's threatening to kill me.
lt's nonsense. He's bent outta shape
because of your tax-evasion charges.
He'd rather lose a testicle
than pay the government.
- So what do you propose?
- l propose you take it easy.
Think about your future, not our demise.
ln the meantime, enjoy the scenery.
Have a long drink with one of the girls.
Listen to me - very carefully.
l don't wanna have to say this again.
l am not your friend. l don't want
the services of your whores.
We are in a business arrangement
for obvious mutual benefits.
Mr Schultz threatens this arrangement.
- Have l made myself clear?
- Crystal.
lt's clear you took the money.