They are impervious
to the scrutiny of the feds there.
At the request of my employer,
Lucky Luciano,
l hereby offer these services
to each and every one of you.
Second order of business.
l'll wait.
Excuse me.
The only thing that threatens profits is the
unwanted attention of law enforcement.
- l wanna talk about Dutch's activities.
- What about 'em?
Got a call from Dewey.
He didn't appreciate your spree.
l got it all under control.
While he was up in Albany,
Bo Weinberg said just the opposite.
- Oh, yeah?
- Yeah.
What did Bo say?
One of the coloured bankers
don't wanna join you.
He indicated you might need
a little help to straighten things out.
Bo must've been having a bad day.
His wife ran off with a dago from Yonkers.
l was gonna propose that
myself, Frank and Vito
could lend you a little help.
ln return for a little piece, huh, Lucky?
l come to you guys a year ago
saying we should go uptown.
You said nigger pennies
was a waste of fuckin' time.
So, to you and your proposal,
l say only one thing.
Take a flying fuck!
Always missing the point. OK, Dutch,
you're on your own. Do as you wish.
lf you need help from us
down the line, from us dagos,
your price just went up.
On that note, this meeting's adjourned.
Louis, Meyer, Frank, Vito,
can l see you in my library?
Nick, show Mr Schultz to the door.
Put your hat back on.
You look ridiculous.