You in big trouble.
There's no other way to say it.
She'll be right down.
Gonna take your hat off
in the house, Bear?
Now you're giving me lessons
on manners.
Goddamn! Look at the titties
on that statue!
Boy, if l...
l hope you're proud of yourself!
You have dishonoured my name
with your betrayal.
Who are you? Dutch Schultz burn down
three of me policy houses today!
So we burn down three of his.
An eye for an eye.
So you're the Queen now, eh?
Who runnin' this operation?
- You.
- Then why you disregard my orders?
You think l don't know why you're
sticking close to me? l see your ambition.
- lt was time to take a stand.
- l take care of Schultz meself!
- l am the Queen!
- But you are afraid of him.
Never thought l'd see the day
that you were afraid of any man.
Of course l'm afraid.
But fear be a good thing sometime.
lt checks the angry spirit.
l can beat him, Queen.
l can beat the Dutchman at his own game.
Use your head, Bumpy. Where you think
they gonna fight this war?
On Park Avenue?
Non. Mais non.
Here. Right here,
on the streets of Harlem.
l'm prepared to deal
with the consequences of that.
And what about the rest of us?
You open the faucet of blood,
you never shut it off.
Three fuckin' grand?
We hear this guy's a real tornado.