ls there nothing in this world
that you love enough
that you would kill for it or die for it?
l don't know.
l'd give my left nut
for a piece of cheesecake.
- Who makes the best in New York?
- Junior's.
- Lindy's.
- Best sauerbraten?
- Luchow's.
- Triangle Hofbrau.
- Best knish?
- Greenspan's.
- Krause's.
- Best steak?
- Luger's.
- Gallagher's.
Now, let's do some damage.
l'm tired of going to church
without my man.
l told you, Francine. The good Lord
and l have an arrangement.
l don't go into his house.
He doesn't come into mine.
OK, you heathen. That's the last time
l try to save your soul.
Aw, don't be that way, baby.
Besides, you know you're my religion.