He said no.
Move closer.
Take another look,
[ Chuckles ]
Son of a bitch.
Sir, look closer.
You sure
these aren't the men ?
Dirty son of a bitch.
Watch your mouth.
Same old shit,
huh, Della Pesca ?
Shut up.
Ask him again.
You been after me
my whole life, Della Pesca.
Now you're tryin'
to pin a murderjack on me.
Well, it don't fit.
I'm gonna take
your black ass down,
Mr. Fuckin' Champion
of the World.
I got your black
fuckin' champion
right between my legs,
you short punk bitch.
You try me.
That's just what
I'm gonna do.
Pistolshots ring out
in the barroom night
Enter Patty Valentine
from the upperhall
She sees the bartender
in a pool of blood
Cries out, My God
they've killed them all
Here comes the story
of Hurricane
The man the authorities
came to blame
that he never done
Put in a prison cell
but one time
He could've been
the champion of the world