Ain't it great ?
No, isn't it.
"Isn't it great ?"
Very good.
I stand corrected, Les.
Used books ?
Books nobody wants anymore ?
That's the great thing
about books.
Once you use them,
you can pass them along
to somebody else...
like a torch...
or a football.
You know,
something you pass.
Okay, bring it on in.
Put it down.
Good, good.
Okay, young man,
that'll be 25 cents.
Twenty-five cent ?
Mustn't be
much of a book.
[Pop ]
So, Lesra,
what'd you get ?
Uh, this.
What is it ?
I don't know.
It's about a boxer.
It's got, like, 337 pages,
though, you know.
Well, it probably
takes a lot of words to tell
someone's life story, eh ?
Yeah, well, this guy must be,
like, 150 years old
if he gon' use all these words.
Sometimes we don't pick
the books we read--
they pick us.
lt 's unfair
Can l get some whiskey
Can l get some whiskey