I didn't do nothin'.
[ Grunting, Yelling ]
Come on, you--
No !
Get in there.
lt wasn 't me!
[ Grunting, Stuttering ]
I didn't do nothin'.
[ Loud Slam ]
Sit down, kid.
[ Snaps Finger ]
What have we got here ?
It's a juvenile case.
He's a kid, Sarge.
He's only 11 years old.
It's a nigger
with a knife.
I don't care
how old he is.
Take care of it.
We know you were
at the falls last week,
and we know what happened.
You're gonna talk,
you little son of a bitch.
You'll be making speeches
when I get through
with your black ass.
Ralph. Ralph.
I'm Sergeant Detective
Della Pesca.
You wanna tell me
what happened ?
What is it,
you were trying to rob
this man's gold watch,
he fought back
and so you stabbed him ?
Is that pretty much it ?
[ Stuttering ]
didn't do nothing.
Let me tell you something,