[Crowd Cheering]
Champion of the world!
Champion of the world!
Yeah, they're still out.
[ Crowd Clapping Rhythmically,
Tempo Accelerating ]
I've seen a lot of things
in my time,
but it's taken 35 minutes
for these judges to tell us...
what this hometown crowd
already knows.
Joey Giardello
is about to lose the crown...
to Rubin "Hurricane" Carter.
[ Cheering Intensifies ]
Ladies and gentlemen,
it's a unanimous decision.
The winner...
and still champion
of the world,
[Crowd Yelling, Booing]
Joey Giardello !
Giardello !
[ Cheering, Booing ]
No, no, no.
Hey ! What ?
- You've stolen it !
- Aw, shit !
Bullshit !
What is going on here ?
Yeah ! Yeah !
Boo !
All l can say...
is these Philly judges
must've been watching
a different fight,
because in the one
we just saw...
Hurricane Carter
took the title.