what you doin' in there ?"
And I say, "Hey,
I know all you guys."
It's magic, Lesra.
They sure don't teach it
that way up in Canada.
Maybe you could tell me
some books to read.
I can do that.
But these people in Canada
or anywhere else, they can
only teach you so much.
It's up to you.
It's your search.
You gotta find out
what's true for you,
what is true for Lesra Martin.
I ain't never met
nobody like you before.
You think I killed
those people, son ?
No, I know you didn't.
How you know ?
I just know.
I'm so glad
I met you, Lesra.
Me too.
Visit 's up.
Everybody out.
Come on, folks,
let's go.
You like a quick picture of you
and your son, Mr. Carter ?
Come on, folks. Let's go.
It's up to my son.
Yeah, all right.
All right.
That's enough pictures.
Come on. Let's go.
[Door Slams]