This is, in many ways,
the saddest letter
l've ever had to write.
l appreciate your many efforts
and kindnesses,
but l am a prisoner.
My number is 45472,
and my job--
"My number is 45472,
and my job--
The key to my survival...
"lies in my ability
to do the time.
"This place is not one
in which humanity can survive,
only steel can.
"This will be
my last letter to you.
"Please do not write.
Please do not visit.
"Please find it in your hearts
to not weaken me
with your love.
Rubin 'Hurricane' Carter."
Open up, Ken.
I got a letter here for you
from Canada.
I'm just gonna
slide it in here for ya.
You do what you want
with it.
[Lesra ]
"Dear Rube,
"l know you asked us
not to write,
"so l'm not writing,
just sending you two things.
"One's a picture of me
and my new girlfriend, Pauline.