Rubin has asked us
to give you copies of
everything that we have...
and to answer any questions.
And since
we've represented him
for over ten years,
there's an awful lot
of material.
I mean, we have rooms
full of files.
Absolutely, and, uh,
please understand
that we are not here...
to second-guess you or--
You know, we've come down here
to help in any way we can.
Anything, you know ?
Anything at all.
Well, that's
very kind of you,
and I congratulate you
on your dedication
to Rubin's case.
Uh, maybe l should add...
that in those ten years
we 've been working on this,
we 've donated our services.
We've never asked for a dime.
We never expect one.
Do we ?
I wanted to be sure.
And also in that time, uh,
there have been a lot of people,
great people,
all well-intentioned.
Or not.
Boxer, singers,
writers, actors,
journalists, etcetera.
A lot of brave people
who gave of their time,
and to some degree
risked their reputations.
People like you.
And, uh, people come and go.
And, frankly,
nobody lasts.
Nobody stays the course.
Nobody goes the distance...
because it's too tough.
lt 's too slow,
and it 's heartbreaking.
It's too heartbreaking.
With all due respect,
Mr. Friedman,
what you have to understand
is that we're here.