Oh, it's-- it's gonna take
a little longer than we thought.
You are all right ?
I've asked myself,
if I could
do for anyone...
what you and Sam and Terry
and Lesra have done for me,
and the answer is no.
So, if you feel like
you need to go home
for any reason,
I'll understand.
No, you've gotta understand
we're not--
we're not leaving
without you.
All right ?
And we're gonna
find something.
well, I found
a fellow by the name
of Barbieri.
He's a private investigator.
Prosecution hired him
in the second trial.
Didn't he resign
from the case or something ?
He quit and turned in
his murder book
and crime-scene photos,
list of evidence,
but no notes.
Anyone talk to him ?
Myron tracked him down.
What'd he say ?
He was scared.
Of whom ?
Of the people
he was workin ' with.
[ Knocking ]
Mrs. Barbieri ?
Uh, is Mr. Barbieri in ?
There isn't
any mister.
Uh, Dominick,
Dominick Barbieri ?
That was my father.
He passed away years ago.