ln 1976,
the State of New Jersey's...
chief investigator of this case,
Dominick Barbieri, resigned...
because he discovered
the truth.
He discovered that
this case was built...
on a foundation
of forgeries and lies.
Those lies show the guilt
not of Rubin Carter,
but of a corrupt police force
and the prosecutor's office.
[ Spectators Murmuring ]
And now, this wall of lies
has been destroyed,
so that this court
may finally see the truth,
and, pray God,
not turn its eyes away.
This court
is not unmoved by your...
eloquence and passion,
but the prosecution
is correct.
This petition contains
new evidence...
that has not been presented
before the State Court
of New Jersey,
and there is no legal argument
that you could make...
which would allow me
to consider it.
Therefore, you have
two choices before you..
I can send this case
back to the state court...
and you can present
the evidence;
if you insist on proceeding,
this evidence
will be lost to you forever.
[ Spectators Murmuring ]
You understandthe choice
before you, Mr. Beldock ?
Your Honor,
may I request a moment
to confer with my client ?
That's the smartest thing
you've said all morning,