He's gonna rule against us.
Rubin's gonna lose.
the extensive record...
clearly demonstrates
to this court...
that Rubin Carter's
was predicated upon
an appeal to racism...
rather than reason...
and concealment...
rather than disclosure.
To permit convictions
to stand...
which have
as their sole foundation...
appeals to racial prejudice,
is to commit a violation...
of the Constitution...
as heinous as the crimes
for which the defendants...
were tried and convicted.
l here by order Rubin Carter...
released from prison...
from this day forward.
Whoo !
This court is adjourned.
Rube, you made it, man.
You're free.
Can you stand it ?
You did it, Rube.
You did it, man.
Whoo-hoo-hoo !
[Man On P.A. ]
Rubin Carter
has just been freed.
All right!
You're free, Rubin !