In the Company of Men

but I'm just saying, for the sake
of argument, we stumble onto something.

This person's vulnerable as hell.
You know, young thing, wallflower type
or whatever. Disfigured in some way.

Some woman who is pretty sure
that life...

and I mean a full, healthy sexual life,
romance, stuff like that...

is lost to her forever.
God bless you.
Anyhow, we take a girl of that type...
some corn-fed bitch who'd mess her pants
if you sharpen a pencil for her...

and we both hit her.
Small talk, a dinner date, flowers.
No pushing it the first night out,
but it's like...

taking her out, you know,
to see an ice show.

Something like that.
We just do it, you and me,
upping the ante all the time.

Suddenly, she's got two men.
She's calling her mom.

She's wearing makeup again.
On we play,
and on and on.

Then one day...
out goes the rug
and us pulling it hard, and Jill...

she just comes tumbling after.
Hour later, we're on a flight back to
civilization like nothing ever happened.

Trust me. She'll be reaching
for the sleeping pills within a week...

and we will laugh about this
till we are very old men.

What do you think?
- Well, it's...
- Is that not ideal?

Restore a little dignity to our lives?
The beauty is, for the next month
and a half, we can play ourselves off...

as whoever we want to be.
Right. I mean, it sounds...
I don't want to shock you.
It's just a thought.

It's the same crap we played in school,
only better...
