In the Company of Men

Do I lie?
What do you have to use
to get her attention, a dog whistle?

No, reads lips. Nice girl.
She's been here three weeks.
Placed by one of those agencies.

Types 95 a minute.
Super. She speak at all?
I've never heard her.
I think she's got one of those voices.
- You know, like...
- Like a dolphin.

Like having a Sunday chat with Flipper.
That's what you're telling me?

Something like that.
Man, what a piece of work.
She's kind of pretty though.
Anyway, thanks.
See you later.
This is great.
About this morning. I was very rude.
I didn't even introduce myself.

I'm Chad Piercewell.
It's nice to meet you.
You're new here, aren't you?

Don't be embarrassed.
We're all new sometime, right?

That's a lovely blouse.
It's John Merrick. It's the only thing
I can think of the whole time.

I'm sitting across
from the fucking Elephant Man.

She's attractive, though, right?
Yeah, I guess.
I would say yeah.

- Tall?
- Kind of average...

but you should see her going at it...
working to put
the simplest sounds together.

A, E, I, O, U and sometimes Y is like
the Holy Grail to this poor wretch.

After about 15 minutes...
I can't watch any more saliva
form in the corner of her mouth...

or I'm gonna lose my taco salad.
- But was she nice? I mean...
- Nice? Yeah.

- Sweet, giving, all those things.
- That's good.
