In the Company of Men

Well, thank you.
No, I wouldn't think of it.
No, ma'am. Just tell her everybody
is really sorry that she's down.

I guess the flu's been
going through this place for weeks now.

I hope she's up and around soon.
Did she get the flowers?
No, I just took up a little collection.
It's no big deal.

Yes, ma'am.
No, I'd rather not wake her.
Just tell her that I called?

Okay, thanks again.
I will. You too.
Okay, bye.
All I mean is, I think everything's
a business, whatever you go into.

Your typing there or my opportunity
directing this project.

Doesn't matter.
Every walk of life's an industry...

from child care right on up.
We need to take advantage
of the situation, right?

That's what I think anyway.
You know, turn the situation
to our own advantage.

So, on a personal level,
that's what I'm doing here.

I was walking by, saw you,
figured, "What the hell," you know?

You probably have a boyfriend,
but you gotta take your chance, right?

And who knows?
It might turn out to be
mutually advantageous.
