I read their lips.
It helps that their mouths
are 50 feet tall.
That's terrific.
I'm sorry for asking.
It's okay.
- "Try and get" c"orned beef in this pla"c"e".
- "Right".
Can't stay long. Everyone else
ordered in. Stuff's piling up up there.
- You guys busy?
- God, yeah.
- I was working on the presentation.
- You're not going to believe this.
- You know that new dude?
- Which?
That guy, Mr. MBA, back home.
He screwed up already, big time.
- Watch him. I told you.
- Right?
All that material you faxed to him
last week? Suddenly, he can't find it.
- You're kidding me.
- Nope.
- Found like two pages or something.
- Oh, shit.
I put the receive notice
on the clipboard. You can check.
I know you did.
Can you hand me a napkin?
- Just makes us look bad.
- He's the one who screwed up.
He didn't notice at first.
Now he's tearing up the office.
- Serves him right.
- Yeah, but I'm the one...
with my thing hanging out my pants
come Monday morning.
Hard copy's still on my desk,
everyone asking why.
I should have "next-dayed" a disk.
- I did suggest that.
- I know. My fault.
We'll get it out today. No big deal,
just not what I planned.
How's Christine?